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Erasmus Hochschulcharta (ECHE) - Ergebnisse 2021-27 veröffentlicht

8. January 2021Higher EducationEuropean Programmes

Alle Anträge österreichischer Hochschuleinrichtungen wurden bewilligt.

Start of the European University of Ulysseus

18. December 2020Europäischer HochschulraumHigher Education

The alliance, led by the University of Seville and formed by the universities of Genoa (Italy), Cote d'Azur (France); the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), MCI | The …

MCI Virtual Open House on Saturday, January 23, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

18. December 2020Higher EducationStudies

The MCI is offering a virtual open house to give an insight into the unique range of courses at the Entrepreneurial University® even in times of keeping distance.

univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies | February 6 - 19, 2021 - Online Program

17. December 2020Higher Education

The University of Vienna offers from 6.-19. February the univie: winter school for Cultural Historical Studies 2021.