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Sub-Saharan Africa becomes a new priority region in the higher education sector of Erasmus+

29. September 2021BildungskooperationHigher EducationEuropean Programmes

A clear funding focus in the new programme period of Erasmus+ (2021-2027) will be on the Sub-Saharan African region.

Webinar on PhD opportunities at the European University Institute, Florence

28. September 2021Europäischer HochschulraumHigher EducationStudies

On 27 October 2021, the European University Institute (EUI) offers a PhD Information Session and Q&A.

MCI: First Bachelor Professional in Austria to start in fall 2022

28. September 2021Higher EducationStudies

MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® establishes innovative university education "E-Commerce" together with the Austrian Trade Association and the FH Technikum Wien

FH Kufstein: TOP 25 placement in international ranking

23. September 2021Higher EducationStudies

The FH Kufstein Tirol was the only Austrian university to be recognized for its international orientation in the "Student Mobility" category. Thus, it occupies a place in the …

Seven Austrian universities achieved top scores in the “U-Multirank”.

22. September 2021Higher EducationStudies

The U-Multirank university ranking published its results for the year 2021.