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Welt im Ohr: Erasmus+, Horizon2020 and Brexit

12. February 2020European ProgrammesEuropäischer Hochschulraum

A radio programme about the impact of Brexit on science, research and educational mobility between Great Britain and Austria - also after 2020.

What does the Brexit mean for students?

4. February 2020European ProgrammesStudies

The OeAD's managing director Jakob Calice in an interview with the newspaper "Kurier".

OeAD-Calice: Despite Brexit Erasmus stays in the UK are guaranteed for the academic year 2020/21

31. January 2020Press releaseEuropean Programmes

The United Kingdom is one of the most popular destinations for Austrians taking part in Erasmus+.

Internationale eTwinning-Fortbildungen für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen 2020

23. January 2020European ProgrammesSchool

Ab sofort können sich österreichische Lehrkräfte für eine Vielzahl spannender eTwinning-Veranstaltungen in insgesamt 24 Ländern bewerben.

Erasmus+ Success in Lower Austria

22. January 2020Press releaseEuropean ProgrammesOeAD

The provincial government member for the EU Eichtinger, the provincial government member for youth Teschl-Hofmeister, the association of municipalities’ president Riedl and the …