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The OeAD in the newspaper "Kurier" of May 19th, 2019

20. May 2019OeADEuropean Programmes

"Where you can learn thanks to European cooperation" was the title of the double page reporting about the OeAD’s activities.

Österreich erzählt. Europa wählt – Melanie Walek, an apprentice from Lower Austria

17. May 2019European ProgrammesVocational TrainingOeAD

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen talking with the former Erasmus participant.

Learning through experience: Recognising and using potential with Erasmus+.

9. May 2019Press releaseEuropean Programmes

The fifth Erasmus+ annual conference on May 8th, 2019 in Vienna was dedicated to experience-based learning. The brain researcher Bernd Hufnagl explained what stimulates our brains …

Neuer Online-Kurs „Learning with creativity: Let the game begin!” auf dem "School Education Gateway"

18. April 2019SchoolEuropean Programmes

Ab 29. April erfahren Sie, wie man den Unterricht mit Hilfe von Spielen noch kreativer gestalten kann.

Erasmus+ Jahrestagung 2019

16. April 2019European ProgrammesQuality

Wir laden zur 5. nationalen Erasmus+ Jahrestagung am 8. Mai 2019 ein.