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The new OeAD Policy Brief on Brexit has been published

22. June 2021OeADEuropean Programmes

The document deals with the impact of Brexit on the higher education and vocational education and training sectors.

60 Years OeAD: International teaching experience with Erasmus+

21. June 2021OeAD60Higher EducationEuropean Programmes

Lecturers at higher education institutions can also use Erasmus+ to complete short teaching stays at partner institutions abroad.

Forum 2021 Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt: Lehrstellenmarkt in Österreich in Zeiten von Covid-19

7. June 2021European ProgrammesVocational TrainingSchool

In Kooperation mit dem AMS Österreich führt der OeAD als nationale Agentur Erasmus+ am 22. Juni 2021 das Forum 2021 „Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt“ online durch.

60 Years OeAD: Erasmus+ and ESC Next Generation 2021-2027

3. June 2021OeAD60European ProgrammesAdult Education

The successful EU programme for education, youth and sports and the European Solidarity Corps will continue! The OeAD implements these programmes for Austria.

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps 2021–2027

1. June 2021European ProgrammesPress release

28.4 thousand million euros for a fairer and greener Europe, 1 thousand million euros for solidarity projects