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Bologna Day 2021: How do we learn and teach "future skills" in higher education practice? - …

24. March 2021Europäischer HochschulraumHigher EducationOeAD

The Bologna Day on 17 March 2021 addressed the question "How do we learn and teach "future skills" in higher education practice?"

European universities are slowly taking shape

24. March 2021Europäischer HochschulraumHigher EducationStudies

Eight of the 279 participating universities are from Austria. An alliance around the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is to explore what European universities can look …

60 Years OeAD: What has changed for students

18. March 2021OeAD60Europäischer HochschulraumQuality

Internationalisation, focus on students, and digital transformation at higher education institutions: All this has come to stay

Welt im Ohr: Internationalisation and Mobility 2020 - 2030

9. February 202159:47Europäischer HochschulraumHigher Education

A "Welt im Ohr" podcast about Austria's national higher education mobility and internationalisation strategy 2020-2030 (in German).

How do you post a job offer on the EURAXESS portal?

2. February 2021ScholarsEuropäischer HochschulraumResearcher

Your institution can also publish vacancies in research and innovation on the Euraxess portal free of charge and reach the best research talents in the world.