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Science is Wonderful

4. November 2021Science communicationSchool

Science is Wonderful! wurde entwickelt, um die Welt der Naturwissenschaften in Grund- und weiterführende Schulen in ganz Europa zu bringen.

60 Years OeAD: Education and Career Counselling Lower Austria (Bildungsberatung Niederösterreich) …

4. November 2021OeAD60European Programmes

Spreading our wings to Europe has been a focal point of the work of Education and Career Counselling Lower Austria in the last few years.

60 Years OeAD: eTwinning – the biggest virtual teaching and learning community in Europe

19. October 2021OeAD60European ProgrammesSchool

With 940,000 registered users and 219,000 schools the EU platform eTwinning is the biggest teaching and learning community in Europe for all teachers at schools and kindergartens.

Das sind die Erasmus+ & ESK Botschafter/innen 2021

15. October 2021

Erstmals werden heuer im Rahmen der #ErasmusDays in Österreich auch die Erasmus+ Botschafter/innen sowie die ESK-Botschafterin geehrt.