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Nationale eTwinning-Qualitätssiegel 2022

28. June 2022European ProgrammesSchool

Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit mit Partnerschulen in Europa: 13 eTwinning-Projekte werden mit dem diesjährigen nationalen Qualitätssiegel ausgezeichnet.

Toolkit to help mitigate foreign interference in research and innovation

21. June 2022Higher EducationStudiesResearcher

This publication outlines best practices to support EU higher education institutions and research performing organisations in safeguarding their fundamental values, including …

Rückschau: Vernetzungstreffen Erasmus+ Berufsbildung

21. June 2022European ProgrammesVocational Training

Am 16. und 17. Mai 2022 fand das erste Vernetzungstreffen akkreditierter Einrichtungen in Erasmus+ Berufsbildung statt.

Minister of Education Polaschek visits the OeAD

20. June 2022Higher EducationOeADSchool

The federal minister Martin Polaschek (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)) recently visited the OeAD to get an overview of the OeAD programmes in the area …

New 2-Euro coin available as of 1 July

20. June 2022Press releaseEuropean Programmes

In 2022 the countries of the EU monetary union celebrate “35 years of the Erasmus programme” with a specially designed 2-Euro coin.