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Ayelech Kidie Mengesha publishes research on impact of land registration program in rural Ethiopia

18. February 2022

Land degradation and deforestation are major problems generally in developing countries and specifically in Ethiopia. In two recently published papers APPEAR scholar Ayelech Kidie …

Sustainable food systems and the concept of food democracy

17. February 202259:49Researcher

Organic farming and agroecology as the future for sustainable food systems is demanded and promoted more and more.

APPEAR II book has been published

14. February 2022Development Research

The APPEAR programme finances academic cooperation with partner countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation. The new book provides insights into the second programme phase of …

APPEAR Alumnus James Outa conducts post-doctoral research in South Africa

10. February 2022

James Outa who completed his doctoral studies at the University of Vienna in March 2020 reports about his new research project.

Pauline Macharia defends PhD thesis on the water-energy nexus in water services provision

1. February 2022

APPEAR scholar Pauline Macharia writes about the results of her research and her experiences while studying in Austria.