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APPEAR scholar Lemlem Fitwi Weldemariam presents at the International Geographical Union Congress

19. August 2022

Lemlem Fitwi Weldemariam tells us about her congress visit in Paris and the presentation of her research on “Challenges of food security and coping strategies among rural …

Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa finalises PhD on media policy and promotion of gender equality in Ethiopia

28. July 2022

APPEAR scholar Bruktawit Ejigu Kassa reflects on her research findings and her experiences as a researcher in Austria.

APPEAR celebrates 10+2 years anniversary

30. June 2022

In the presence of the managing director of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Dr. Friedrich Stift, OeAD managing director Jakob Calice PhD and numerous guests, the anniversary …

Hasmik Hovakimyan from Armenia finalised her PhD with excellence

27. June 2022

On 2 June 2022, Hasmik Hovakimyan graduated from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna – the same year the university celebrates 150 years of …

Smart waste management in the new APPEAR project

23. June 202255:46Development ResearchResearcher

A multidisciplinary project team from Austria and Uganda researches together in a new APPEAR project, APPEAR anniversary 10+2 and a look behind the scenes of "Welt im Ohr" and Ö1 …