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Literature at the OeAD/Franz Werfel Conference 2021

1. April 2021NetzwerkScholarsAlumni

“Varieties of Realism” is the main theme of this year's annual conference of Franz Werfel scholarship holders, which will take place online on 16 and 17 April.

“Never stop trying and learning” – how one of our former PhD scholars won his first research grant

11. March 2021ScholarsAlumniScholarship

Our former scholarship holder Muhammad Bilal Bin Majeed completed his PhD with distinction at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Vetmeduni Vienna) and has now secured …

60 Years OeAD: Herder and scholar. D. Ouedraogo’s contribution to sustainable livestock farming in …

25. February 2021OeAD60Alumni

Dominique Ouedraogo has been a cattle herder since the age of six and is now a doctor of agriculture. Read his story here.

AAL_33 Alumni AudioLab with Ismail Temitayo Gbadamosi

8. February 202143:17Science communicationPodcastsAlumni

As a neuroscientist, Ismail Gbadamosi conducts research on the influence of different substances on the brain to cure diseases. For example nicotine in the fight against …

60 Years OeAD: "I shall not give up".

29. January 2021OeAD60Alumni

The story of a PhD student in Austria and her life afterwards. APPEAR scientist Esther Mukooza from Uganda talks about her career after her studies in Austria and explains why you …