
60 Years OeAD: Exploring networks, building networks

10. June 2021OeAD60ScholarshipHigher Education

The Marietta Blau Scholarship up close.

And the winner is - The CEEPUS Minister Price 2020 goes to the Medical University of Graz

9. June 2021NetzwerkBildungskooperationHigher Education

This year the CEEPUS network CIII-AT-0042 “Image Processing, Information Engineering & Interdisciplinary Knowledge Exchange" coordinated by the Medical University of Graz was …

Forum 2021 Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt: Lehrstellenmarkt in Österreich in Zeiten von Covid-19

7. June 2021European ProgrammesVocational TrainingSchool

In Kooperation mit dem AMS Österreich führt der OeAD als nationale Agentur Erasmus+ am 22. Juni 2021 das Forum 2021 „Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt“ online durch.

60 Years OeAD: Erasmus+ and ESC Next Generation 2021-2027

3. June 2021OeAD60European ProgrammesAdult Education

The successful EU programme for education, youth and sports and the European Solidarity Corps will continue! The OeAD implements these programmes for Austria.

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps 2021–2027

1. June 2021European ProgrammesPress release

28.4 thousand million euros for a fairer and greener Europe, 1 thousand million euros for solidarity projects