
Work meeting on educational cooperation Kosovo-Austria

25. September 2021BildungskooperationOeAD

On 23 September a work meeting on “Educational and Academic Cooperation Kosovo – Austria, Recent Programmes and Projects” took place at the OeAD.

Erasmus+ Schulbildung: Beratungsangebot zur Akkreditierung (inkl. Final Checks)

23. September 2021European ProgrammesSchool

Die nationale Agentur Erasmus+ im Bereich Schulbildung bietet am 29. September und am 7. Oktober Informationsveranstaltungen zu den Einreichmöglichkeiten für Schulen und …

Announcement: Press briefing on 30 September 2021

23. September 2021Press release

Presentation of the study “Auslandsmobilität in der Lehrlingsausbildung” (“International mobility in apprenticeship training”) and the multi-point plan to increase the mobility of …

JSPS Scholarship for Research in Japan

23. September 2021CallScholarship

JSPS provides opportunities for young and excellent postdoctoral researchers from Austria to conduct the cooperative research with leading academic groups in universities and other …

60 Years OeAD: It was my dream to see the Alps ...

23. September 2021OeAD60School

“weltweit unterrichten” (“teaching worldwide”) – language as a gateway to the world