
Again strong involvement of OeAD alumni in the programme “Cooperation Development Research“

14. December 2021Development Research

The OeAD is pleased to inform that many former OeAD scholarship holders were successful in the second Call of the programme "Cooperation Development Research". This clearly …

APPEAR scholar Woldeyesus finishes PhD studies on 'Women and Political Representation in Ethiopia'

14. December 2021ScholarsScholarshipDevelopment Research

APPEAR scholar Elshaday Kifle Woldeyesus presents the outcome of her PhD research as well as her experiences while studying in Austria.

Webinar on the Marietta Blau Grant

14. December 2021Scholarship

On Tuesday, December 21st, we offer a webinar on the Marietta Blau Grant.

60 Years OeAD: 10 years of “Welt im Ohr” (“World in your Ear”). Science and research for development

13. December 2021OeAD60Podcasts

For more than a decade the radio and podcast series “Welt im Ohr” has enabled people to hear about global inequality and interrelationships issues.