
Erasmus+ Kooperationsreise Südkaukasus – Anmeldung noch bis 18.2. möglich

27. January 2019European ProgrammesPartnershipsHigher Education

Anmeldungen für die Erasmus+ Studien- und Kooperationsreise in die Länder Aserbaidschan, Georgien und Armenien sind noch bis 18. Februar möglich.

Neue Broschüre „Lernen am Arbeitsplatz – Nachhaltige Nutzung europäischer Projektergebnisse"

25. January 2019Vocational TrainingEuropean Programmes

Lernen Sie europäische Projektergebnisse zum Thema „Lernen am Arbeitsplatz“ kennen.

New publication on indigenous and innovative social work practice in Africa

22. January 2019Development Research

As part of the APPEAR project PROSOWO (Professional Social Work in East Africa), which has been in its second phase since 2016, extensive empirical research has been carried out …

Go Green: Energy turnaround in Senegal

17. January 201956:33Development ResearchResearcher

In this radio programme the APPEAR project SEA4cities - Sustainable Energy Access for Sustainable Cities – a higher education cooperation between Austria and Senegal is presented …

Funding for Erasmus+ Education increases by almost ten million euros

16. January 2019European ProgrammesPress release

The European Commission increases the budget for the domestic education system to 47.4 million euros. Applications for projects and stays abroad can be submitted until spring 2019.