Alumni Portraits
In the Alumni Portraits, former OeAD scholars introduce themselves and their research projects. They reflect upon their research stay in Austria and write about their impressions and ambitions as well as their experiences and challenges.
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For some time now, portraits are no longer published on this page, but in our Alumni News Portal. There you will learn about the latest stories and achievements of our wonderful Alumni!

Tymofiy Havryliv is a higher scientific researcher at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He received a Franz Werfel scholarship in the past and recently spent two months in Austria with the follow-on support programme of this scholarship.

Anastasija Stevchevska is in her final year of General Medicine at the Medical Faculty of Skopje. In February 2023 she spent one month at the Medical University Graz as a CEEPUS scholarship holder.
"I am very grateful for this experience and the impact it made on me. This scholarship played a crucial role in my medical education, and because of it, I am looking forward to my future career with much more confidence."

Ruiwen Chen is a Lecturer at the Ming Hua Theological College at Charles Sturt University in Hong Kong. She spent one month in Austria to research at the Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien.
"Many inspirations were born from the sound of the music in the Wiener Musikverein, from walks in the Vienna woods, and from interactions with Vienna people. I am full of emotions for this university and city."

Fjolla Neziri is a student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Geography at the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina". She spent three months in Austria with a CEEPUS scholarship.

Within an international research group (Czechia, Austria, USA), Jan Valošek works on improving of diagnosis and clinical management of patients with degenerative cervical spinal cord compression using advanced quantitative MRI techniques.

"Vienna remains a place of unlimited scientific and cultural possibilities for me, a place where you can never get bored and always find new things to discover and learn."

Student of the last year, Veterinary Medicine, University of Prishtina 'Hasan Prishtina'
"I will always appreciate the welcoming and the warm atmosphere here in Vienna. This will definitely impact my career as a young ambitious veterinarian."

Assistant Professor Institute of International Relations and European Studies, Facutly of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava
"Such intercultural exchanges as my research stay undoubtedly contribute to greater cultural openness in the respective countries."

Senior Lecturer and Head of Department for Kiswahili and African languages, Kenyatta University, Nairobi
"Indeed my stay in Austria came with life transforming experiences both in academic and cultural interactions. The blending of people encountered during the learning time induced the critical paradigm of team work, respect for others and displine."

Research and Teaching Assistant for Human Rights and State Theory at the Akdeniz University in Antalya
"It was pleasant to be able to do research with people from different countries in a scholarly circle with whom I could gain experiences and share my story as a young academician."
Assistant Professor, University of Gondar, Institute of Technology, Department of Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering
"Those years in Austria have led me towards science and inspired my professional life."

Associate Professor, Tribhuwan University and Executive Director of the NGO “The Resource Nepal”
"My stay and studies in Austria were a stepping stone for me that broadened my academic and research career."
Doctoral Student at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary
"I am grateful to the OEAD for this excellent opportunity to promote my academic development and personal growth, while also having time for enjoying Vienna!"