Aktivitäten von Alumni

Austrian-Nepalese research on green technologies preventing landslides and floods

10. September 2021ScholarsAlumni

Former OeAD scholar Madhu Sudan Acharya received a research project within the OeAD programme Cooperation Development Research. The project is about the use of green and …

Austria: Where I learned and improved myself

31. August 2021ScholarsAlumni

Ba Lam Do first came to Austria in 2013 for his PhD studies at the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology. He was very fortunate that his wife, too, received a …

AAL_36 Alumni AudioLab with Tigran Keryan

11. August 202155:47PodcastsAlumniResearcher

In this podcast, the Armenian sustainability researcher talks about his research and his transdisciplinarity approach.

Review: Alumni Meeting in Shanghai

27. July 2021OeAD60BildungskooperationAlumni

Occasion: 50 years of diplomatic relations between Austria and China and 60 years OeAD

Andjela Vlahovic wins award for her master's thesis

12. July 2021ScholarsAlumni

OeAD Scholar Andjela Vlahovic was awarded the Annual Award of the Central Bank of Montenegro in 2021 in the category of best master’s thesis.