Your selection "EU/EEA/Swiss | student | stay for longer than 3 months" resulted in the following information:
Registration certificate
EU/EEA/Swiss nationals are under certain circumstances entitled to stay in Austria for more than three months. One possibility would be that the main purpose of their stay in Austria is an education at a public school or an accredited private school or educational institution.
Requirements for residence in Austria
If you are staying in Austria for more than three months, you have to inform the competent residence authority in Austria in person within four months and apply for a registration certificate ("Anmeldebescheinigung").
Attention: Non-compliance with this regulation can lead to a fine of up 250 Euro!
This registration is required in addition to the registration with the registration office.
Students who have valid national health insurance in their home country can obtain a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from their health insurance provider in their country of origin upon application. With this card they will have access to all medically necessary public health services in Austria (at the same conditions and the same costs). However, visits to doctors that are not due to acute complaints (e.g. medical check-ups) are not covered. We therefore recommend that you additionally take out travel health insurance (also if you wish to have repatriation costs covered). If, for example, medical check-ups are also to be covered, you will have to fill in the S1 form and you will also have to register your main residence in Austria. For further information please contact the relevant health insurance provider (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse).
Degree programme students ("ordentliche Studierende") at all universities and universities of applied sciences ("Fachhochschulen") as well as non-degree programme students ("außerordentliche Studierende") at University Preparation Programmes ("Vorstudienlehrgänge") may also take out student insurance ("Studierendenselbstversicherung") with the relevant Gesundheitskasse.
It is also possible to take out private health insurance for your stay in Austria. The insurance must provide comprehensive health insurance cover and be liable to pay for medical treatment in Austria. At or, for example, you can find insurance products that you may use in this case.
EU/EEA and Swiss nationals are allowed to work in Austria in any kind of job. They do not need any official permit such as a work permit.
Croatian nationals do not require a work permit anymore to take up gainful employment since 1st July 2020.
Renewal and change to another residence title
The registration certificate is valid for an unlimited period of time and you need not have it renewed.
After five years of lawful and uninterrupted residence in Austria you are entitled to permanent residence. If you meet the conditions, you will get a certificate of permanent residence upon request.
Family members
Family members* of EU/EEA citizens who themselves are not nationals of an EU/EEA country may apply for a "residence card" ("Aufenthaltskarte"), which is valid for five years. This permit grants them free access to the Austrian labour market.
After five years of continuous and lawful residence in Austria they may apply for a permanent residence card ("Daueraufenthaltskarte"). Other family members (e.g. common-law spouses) may under certain circumstances be granted a settlement permit – dependant ("Niederlassungsbewilligung – Angehöriger").
* Spouses, partners in a civil union and unmarried minors. Spouses and partners in a civil union must be at least 21 years old at the time of application.
Please note
You have to register within three working days of arrival in Austria with the registration office at your place of residence.
A registration with the registration office is not needed if you reside in a tourist accommodation (e.g., hotel, guest house, campsite, private room, AirBnB) for a maximum of 2 months.
Checklist Registration certificate ("Anmeldebescheinigung")
You have to enclose to the application photocopies of the following documents with the personally signed application form (Guide for filling in the application form) and additionally show only the originals:
- Valid ID card or passport
- Proof of health insurance covering all risks (e.g. European Health Insurance Card, insurance policy, student insurance ("Studierendenselbstversicherung"))
- Proof of sufficient financial means, e.g. savings book or bank account, traveller’s cheques (depending on the individual case)
- confirmation/notification of admission from the university
The authority may demand further documents depending on the individual case.
Costs: approx. EUR 15
Checklist Residence Card ("Aufenthaltskarte")
You have to enclose to the application photocopies of the following documents with your personally signed application form (Guide for filling in the application form) and additionally show only the originals:
- Valid travel document
- Passport-sized photograph according to the ICAO criteria (colour photograph, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm) not older than 6 months
- Registration certificate/certificate of permanent residence of the EU/EEA/Swiss national
- Marriage certificate, civil union certificate or birth certificate (legalised and afterwards translated)
- Proof of health insurance covering all risks (e.g. European Health Insurance Card, dependent coverage in the Austrian national health insurance)
- Proof of sufficient financial means, e.g. savings book or bank account, traveller’s cheques (depending on the individual case)
The authority may demand further documents depending on the individual case. Documents issued by non-Austrian authorities as a rule have to be legalised and translated into German by sworn and court-certified interpreters.
Documents issued by authorities of a member state of the EU only need to be translated if the authority has not issued a multilingual form of the document as well. Costs: approx. EUR 56