Austrian Bologna implementation project again among the best in the European Higher Education Area

Europakarte, eine Hand mit einem Kugelschreiber zeigt auf die Stadt Bologna.
The Erasmus+ project is dedicated to the implementation of the Bologna guidelines and the further development of the Austrian higher education area.

In order to optimise the implementation of the Bologna Process and to address current issues such as innovative teaching and the social dimension in higher education the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) has initiated the project "INternationalisation/INclusion/INnovation: Towards high-quality inclusive mobility and innovative teaching & learning in an internationalised Austrian Higher Education Area", in short "3-IN-AT 2019-20".

The project, like the two predecessor projects, is carried out in cooperation with the OeAD-GmbH's Bologna Service Point. The Service Point supports the implementation of the European Higher Education Area in Austria.

The quality of the cooperation between the BMBWF and the Bologna Service Point is also reflected in the success of the evaluation by the European Commission's funding agency: The application for "3-IN-AT 2019-20" achieved an outstanding score of 86 out of a possible 100 points.

To the BMBWF's press release