Welt im Ohr-Podcasts

From energy crisis to energy revolution - Perspectives from Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa

19. August 202259:49Development ResearchResearcher

Do the multiple crises make it more difficult to phase out fossil fuels or will energy shortages and increases in energy prices promote an energy revolution? (in German)

A new beginning: Ukrainian students and their realities of life

21. July 2022Researcher

The OeAD advises displaced students, academics and researchers from Ukraine on a new start in Austria.

Smart waste management in the new APPEAR project

23. June 202255:46Development ResearchResearcher

A multidisciplinary project team from Austria and Uganda researches together in a new APPEAR project, APPEAR anniversary 10+2 and a look behind the scenes of "Welt im Ohr" and Ö1 …

"Africa" – Images, Discourses, Stereotypes

25. May 202259:49Development ResearchResearcher

Historical processes of decolonisation remain a huge field of ignorance despite increasing critical reflections. (in German)

Post-Covid Societies? – Examples from Africa

28. April 2022Development ResearchResearcher

Education, internationalisation and mobility as part of the multifaceted sustainability debate in academic cooperation in times of pandemic. (in German)