Activities of scholarship holders

Meet Soeharto: An expert in educational sciences and STEM learning

5. July 2023ScholarsAlumni

Get to know Soeharto and his research journey into the world of STEM education, uncovering the creative approaches of teachers towards inclusive education.

The impact of the CEEPUS scholarship: Katarzyna Barbara Parys's Reflection on her stay in Austria

26. June 2023ScholarsAlumni

Learn about the impact of the CEEPUS scholarship as Katarzyna Barbara Parys recounts her enriching experiences during her stay at Karl-Franzens Universität Graz in Austria.

Zoja Anžur's journey of personal and professional growth

26. June 2023ScholarsAlumni

Meet Zoja Anžur, a passionate researcher pursuing her master's thesis at the Austrian Institute of Technology.

Exploring Vienna's Historic Landmarks: A Guided Walking Tour with Scholars

12. June 2023Scholars

On 20 May 2023 around 40 scholarship holders joined our walking tour to visit the highlights of Vienna´s city centre and to learn more about architecture and history.

Vianney Kambale presents research on Sensitivity Analysis for Time Series Forecasting at IST-Africa

31. May 2023ScholarsAlumniResearcher

Join us as we delve into the groundbreaking research presented by Vianney Kambale at the IST-Africa Conference in Tschwane, South Africa.