Der OeAD arbeitet im Bereich "Kulturvermittlung mit Schulen" im Auftrag des BMBWF an der Schnittstelle zwischen Schule, Kunst und Kultur. Partizipative Projekte und Aktivitäten der kulturellen Bildung mit Schulen werden in ganz Österreich entwickelt, beratend und organisatorisch begleitet und finanziell unterstützt.

Objectives and offers

On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) the "Cultural Education with Schools" department works at the interface between schools, the arts and culture. In this context participatory cultural education projects and activities with schools throughout Austria are conceived, accompanied, promoted, and given advisory and organisational support.


Work in this field is based on the central principle that children and young people should be encouraged to participate actively in artistic and cultural processes and foster their competences, taking the circumstances of their own lives as a point of departure. The projects are carried out in cooperation with artists and cultural professionals as well as with artistic and cultural institutions – in a digital way or face-to-face.

Engaging in direct encounters with artists gives children and young people new ways of accessing and involving themselves in the arts and culture and is thus – also in the context of equal opportunities – an important precondition for participation in the processes of society.

Alongside the cultural education activities in Austria exchange and networking in this field at European level constitute a further thematic focus.

  • With its cultural education with schools programmes and its large network of cooperation partners the OeAD-GmbH enables active involvement of children and young people in various forms of contemporary art and culture. The objective is to promote active participation in the arts and culture on as broad a basis as possible, to increase equal opportunities, and a constructive approach to dealing with diversity and difference in society.
  • The OeAD-GmbH supports collective and individual learning and teaching processes of pupils, teachers, artists and cultural educators, also in terms of a new learning culture at schools and the acquisition of skills by pupils.
  • The quality and sustainability of communication between cultural institutions, artists and young people are a central focus. Other important aspects are Austria-wide networking and European discourses on cultural education.


  • Advice for teachers, artists, cultural educators as well as art institutions and cultural institutions
  • Financial support for cultural education activities at schools (e.g. programmes for cooperation with artists in the classroom, exposure of apprentices to art and culture, cooperation between schools and cultural institutions)
  • Funding of up to 2,500 workshops and projects per year within the framework of the Kultur:Bildung initiative, Austria's biggest cultural education programme
  • Setting impulses in cultural school development
  • Cooperation with national and European networks
  • Events and impulse projects for cultural education with schools


  • Beratung für Lehrer/innen, Künstler/innen, Kunst- und Kulturvermittler/innen sowie Kunst- und Kultureinrichtungen
  • Finanzielle Unterstützung von Aktivitäten der schulischen Kulturvermittlung (u. a. Programme zur Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlerinnen und Künstlern im Unterricht, Auseinandersetzung von Lehrlingen mit Kunst und Kultur, Zusammenarbeit von Schulen und Kultureinrichtungen)
  • Unterstützung von bis zu 2.500 Workshops und Projekten pro Jahr im Rahmen der Initiative Kultur:Bildung, Österreichs größtem Kunst- und Kulturvermittlungsprogramm
  • Impulssetzung in der kulturellen Schulentwicklung
  • Zusammenarbeit mit nationalen und europäischen Netzwerken
  • Veranstaltungen und Impulsprojekte zur Kulturvermittlung mit Schulen