Arnab Laha: An exceptional OeAD Alumni contributing to societal and environmental well-being

22. August 2023 ScholarsAlumni
Arnab Laha blickt gerade in die Kamera und trägt ein blaues Hemd
Meet Arnab Laha, a doctoral student from IIT Kanpur, as he reflects on his Austrian academic journey at the Vienna University of Technology.

“You have to dream before your dreams can come true.” Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Arnab Laha, a doctoral student from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, is just about to complete his research stay in Austria at the Vienna University of Technology. He was granted the  Ernst Mach worldwide scholarship, which facilitated his research endeavors in the field of higher Geodesy. In his reflective account, he discusses the impacts of his research, his personal experiences, and offers valuable insights for both current and prospective scholarship recipients.

What was your experience of studying in Austria like?

Studying in Austria has been a transformative experience, immersing me in a rich academic environment while fostering personal growth.

What did you particularly like about your studies/university?

Pursuing Higher Geodesy, my research holds significance in contributing to societal and environmental well-being, yielding tangible benefits for both communities and the natural world.

What fun activities did you partake in?

I engaged in nature hiking and participated in enjoyable gatherings with colleagues from TU Wien, fostering both outdoor exploration and valuable social connections.

What made your stay unforgettable to you?

The insightful memories of visiting Geodetic Observatory, Wettzell with fellow TU Wien colleagues are unforgettable. Engaging discussions during lunchtime and the continuous academic support I received have left an indelible mark on my memory.

What useful tips could you give to others?

As a newcomer, actively engage in academic life by attending events and seminars to build connections. Effective time management and seeking guidance from professors will help you balance studies and personal life. Embrace a curious mindset, utilize campus resources, and don't fear failure – these strategies will shape a rewarding academic journey.

What benefits did being an OeAD Alumni bring to you, and how did it help you throughout your stay?

Being an OeAD Alumni has brought invaluable benefits, including a global network of professionals and researchers, access to cutting-edge research insights, and ongoing opportunities for collaborations and career advancement. This esteemed association continues to enrich my academic journey and broaden my horizons.