Invitation to the EURAXESS Austria: Online Exchange of Experiences

24. April 2023 Researcher
Moderatorin und Workshop-Teilnehmende
On 9 May 2023 the annual exchange of experiences will take place online.

This year's exchange of experiences will focus on the five hubs of the project ERA TALENT Platform for career development of researchers in Europe, which started in March 2023.

Together we want to

  • talk about the project and what EURAXESS Austria contributes to it,
  • present the hubs of the ERA Talent Platform and what opportunities to participate are available for the members of the network,
  • explore possibilities for cooperation.

Representatives of ABA (Austrian Business Agency) and Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS) are also invited to attend.

The target group is primarily all EURAXESS Austria network members and representatives of Austrian higher education institutions and research institutions working in human resources departments, welcome centres and service centres for doctoral candidates and postdocs as well as persons who advise international researchers.

Further information about the event (programme, registration) is available here.