New tool to reflect institutional changes in the field of Citizen Science

16. February 2023 Citizen ScienceResearcher
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As part of the EU project "Time4CS" a tool was created to help institutions reflect on the implementation of citizen science.

The reflection tool was developed as part of the EU project "TIME4CS" and is intended for anyone seeking sustainable institutional change towards citizen science.

The tool is based on the reflection tool for RRI initiatives developed within the EU project "GRACE" and has been adapted to the Citizen Science sector.

How can the reflection tool support institutions?

The tool can support institutions in

  • setting goals to be achieved at the institution,
  • establishing measurable success criteria for monitoring and evaluation,
  • considering which stakeholders will be affected by the initiative and need to be involved in decision making,
  • planning implementation steps,
  • predicting potential obstacles, and 
  • considering what resources will be needed.

To the reflection tool