APPEAR III: First call opened

1. March 2021
On 1 March, the first call for applications in the third programme phase of APPEAR is opened. The application deadline is 31 May 2021. Since the beginning of APPEAR in 2009 it is now the 8th Call.

The APPEAR III programme, with a budget of around EUR 19 million, will last for seven years (2020-2027). Four calls for applications are planned within this period. The first call for applications, includes all earlier instruments of APPEAR, Preparatory Funding, Academic Partnership, Advanced Academic Partnership, the new instrument Extended Impact Partnership, as well as individual PhD scholarships. Applications can be submitted by higher education institutions in Austria and higher education institutions as well as academic institutions in the eleven priority countries of the Austrian Development Cooperation - Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Uganda, Mozambique, Bhutan, Palestine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Albania and Kosovo.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic face-to-face consultations are currently not possible. However, consultations are offered via email, telephone or online meetings.

Further details on the call, contact details and all application documents can be found at: