60 Years OeAD: Allow me to introduce myself: My name is VWU (University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities) – I have been part of the OeAD from the very beginning!

4. February 2021 OeAD60
Projekt des Vereins „Kunst und Menschen – KUM“ mit VWU-Studierenden im Rahmen der Offenen Burg 2017
On the occasion of the OeAD's 60th anniversary we would like to introduce you to the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU), which has been part of the OeAD since 1962.

I am the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU) and I am pleased to have the opportunity to introduce myself.

Since 1962 international students who want to study at a Viennese university but either have to enhance their knowledge of German or take supplementary examinations in other subjects before they can do so if their school leaving examination is not considered equivalent to an Austrian school leaving examination have attended my courses. At the beginning I was very small, some 50 Syrian students were my first participants, now I can't even teach all the students myself. In Sechshauser Straße, where I am based, only approximately 900 people can be accommodated. Together with my two cooperation partners (Sprachenzentrum of the University of Vienna and die Berater), which offer German courses on my behalf, we took care of approximately 1,700 students in the winter semester 2020/21.

The students entrusted to me have got four semesters’ time to make their transition to regular studies. And I can only say: I salute them! Not only now, during "corona times", when many of them are all alone here in Vienna and moreover worry about relatives and friends in their home countries. No, even without this additional burden they have to achieve enormous things: they know that they have to complete their exams on time, otherwise their project of studying here will be over before it has really begun. They also have to find their way in an environment, learning culture, bureaucracy ... that is often very different from that of their home countries and develop strategies within a short time to deal with all these differences adequately and successfully. I – and here I also speak for all the people who work for me – we therefore see it as one of our main tasks to support, accompany and encourage our students in this challenging phase in the best possible way – in class and through additional activities that will hopefully be possible again soon.

I don't want to be immodest but I am a little bit proud when sometimes VWU graduates contact me later and tell me how important and helpful this time was for them to settle in properly here in Austria and then to be able to start their studies well "equipped".

Yes, and then there are those supplementary exams... up to 5,700 per academic year! Another moment when I very much like to salute all those concerned! This time these are all the people involved in the creation, implementation, evaluation and further development of the examinations. We – here I am again speaking in the plural – are very aware of our great responsibility with regard to the importance of our examinations. After all, our examinations decide whether or not a residence permit will be renewed or whether or not the student will be able to start his or her intended studies. It goes without saying that such important examinations take place before a board of examiners, always chaired by a professor from one of our six admitting universities. And, of course, external experts also accompany us in the development of the examinations.

At the end of my short introduction I would like to congratulate the OeAD warmly on its anniversary – and next year it will be my turn to celebrate!

Author: Sonja Winklbauer, head of the VWU

Here you will find more information about the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU)!