Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers

13. April 2021 ScholarsResearcher
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Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers now accessible on

For the past 3 years, the OeAD – as part of EURAXESS Austria – has been participating in two EU-funded projects: Euraxess TOP IV and Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe Step II – BRiDGE II, which are to serve the integration of refugee researchers in the European labour market.

The project results have now been published in a Guide on Labour Market Integration of Refugee Researchers. The guide provides helpful information for refugee researchers on the integration in the European labour market and tools and resources for staff mentoring refugee researchers.

Besides, through refugee researchers can also access further information specific to the Austrian labour market as well as information on opportunities for refugees in the field of higher education in general.

Further information:

Euraxess TOP IV