Insights into CapNex: pictures & summary of the project visit to Uganda and Kenya in February 2019

6. March 2019
Group of people posing for a selfie
Two years of the APPEAR project CapNex have passed and with it two years of joint research on the water-energy-food security Nexus in the Ugandan-Kenyan border region of the Sio-Malaba-Malakisi River Basin. The studies conducted within the project cover a variety of topics including water demand and water management, energy systems, soil erosion and waste management. The partnership brings together partners from Makerere University, TU Kenya, TU Vienna and BOKU Vienna. In all four teams, Master’s and PhD students have been actively involved in the research activities.

During their project visit to Uganda and Kenya in February 2019, Jakob Lederer and Arabell Amann (TU Vienna) held a workshop on Material Flow Analysis (MFA) in Waste Management and Agriculture at Makerere University, while Mathew Herrnegger and Jakob Schürz (BOKU Vienna) at the same time offered a course on Soil Erosion Risk Modelling at TU Kenya. TU Vienna & Makerere University as well as BOKU Vienna & TU Kenya subsequently met with the Master’s and PhD students of the project to discuss the progress of their research.

in the framework of a monitoring visit to Uganda, Julia Lichtkoppler, representing the APPEAR Office, spent two days at Makerere University to observe the project activities and conduct interviews with the Ugandan project partners. Jeninah Karungi (CapNex project coordinator of Makerere University) shared insights obtained during the first two project years, gave an update on the project progress and explained the context in which has taken place. Jeninah as well as Janestic Twikirize ( project coordinator of Makerere University) and Julia furthermore visited Günter Engelits of the local office of the Austrian Development Agency to provide him with an overview of APPEAR in Uganda and to give him an update on the projects.

After an eventful drive from Makerere University to Kenya, TU Vienna presented first results of a related research study to community members in Bungoma. That evening the project team members of TU Vienna, BOKU Vienna and the two APPEAR scholars Hope Wakio Mwanake and Paul Omondi Omonge (TU Kenya) met to then continue to the research area in order to collect further data and information. The field trip ended at Makerere University, where Mathew and Christoph offered their course on Soil Erosion Risk Modelling as well, which was received with great interest by the MU students.

In the upcoming months the research studies on the water - energy - food security nexus will be finalised and the results be published by means of stakeholder workshops, publications and a joint symposium.

Have a look at the picture gallery on the right to get insights into the project.