Rückblick Euroguidance Fachtagung 2021

12. November 2021European Programmes

"Green Guidance" - Grüne Bildungs- und Berufsentscheidungen im Fokus" war das Thema der diesjährigen Euroguidance Fachtagung, die online stattgefunden hat.

New OeAD project "Coop-Net" in the Republic of Moldova

8. November 2021Bildungskooperation

Centres of Vocational Excellence as innovation drivers in vocational education and training.

Strengthening the quality of school quality development – Focus: Leadership and change management

5. November 2021Bildungskooperation

In the final conferences on 26 October 2021 in Sarajevo and on 28 October 2021 in Belgrade headmasters and headmistresses of schools of vocational education and training, …

First networking meeting of the Kultur und Sprache partner network

4. November 2021Bildungskooperation

Representatives of approximately 30 institutions of pre- and in-service training of German teachers in the 17 priority countries of the “Kultur und Sprache” programme took part in …

OeAD-Fachtagung im Rahmen der EuroSkills: Erasmus+ – Skills for Europe, Skills for the World

26. August 2021European ProgrammesOeADVocational Training

Der OeAD ist offizieller Programmpartner der EuroSkills 2021 und veranstaltet als Teil des Konferenzprogramms am 24. September 2021 eine Fachtagung mit dem Titel "Erasmus+ – Skills …