Recap of the 1st Meet & Greet for scholarship holders of the OeAD

7. March 2019Alumni

Valuable information, getting to know each other activities, games and a lot of fun on February 21 for participants of this workshop

"Science in Change" – Higher education institutions and Sustainable Development Goals

17. December 2018Higher EducationDevelopment Research

"We are currently facing the great challenge of making our lives on earth sustainable – and the timeframe for this is the next ten to fifteen years," said Arjen Wals, holder of the …

Erasmus+: More than 18,400 stays abroad and 500 projects in 2018

5. December 2018European ProgrammesPress release

The best success stories, projects and partnerships were awarded prizes at the Erasmus+ Award in Vienna on December 4th.

Echokammern und Filterblasen - Europäischer Sozialfonds meets Erasmus+

5. December 2018European Programmes

Am 6. November 2018 diskutierten Expert/innen über den Zusammenhang von neuen Medien und demokratischem Denken und Handeln.

Austausch und Vernetzung laufender APPEAR-Projekte

3. December 2018PartnershipsDevelopment Research

Mittwoch vergangener Woche, am 28.11., fand im OeAD-Haus ein weiteres APPEAR-Projektleiter/innen-Treffen statt. APPEAR ist das Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education …