Republic of Serbia

Länderkarte Serbien © OeAD/OeAD

Hauptstadt: Belgrad
Landesfläche: 77.484 km²
Einwohneranzahl: Volkszählung 2011: 7.120.666
Amtssprache: Serbisch (geschrieben sowohl in lateinischer wie in kyrillischer Schrift), regional auch Kroatisch, Rumänisch, Russisch, Slowakisch, Ungarisch


In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem serbischen Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und technologische Entwicklung und der Agentur für Bildungsentwicklung implementiert das OeAD Regionalbüro in Sarajewo, zuständig für die Bildungskooperation mit Bosnien-Herzegowina, Montenegro und Serbien, Projekte in Serbien. Es werden nachhaltige Bildungsreformen und die Förderung des Erfahrungsaustauschs zwischen serbischen und österreichischen Bildungsinstitutionen und -experten/expertinnen mit Schwerpunkt Berufsbildung (Schulische Qualitätsentwicklung; Förderung der Kooperation Schule – Wirtschaft) unterstützt.


  • Förderung der Kooperation Schule - Wirtschaft
  • Bildungspolitischer Erfahrungsaustausch im Rahmen von ERISEE

Capital: Belgrade
Area: 77,484 km²
Population: 7,120,666 (According to the census 2011)
Official languages: Serbian (both in Latin and Cyrillic script), in some regions also Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Hungarian

Web tips:

Ministry of Education
Agency for Educational Development Belgrade

In close cooperation with the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Agency for Educational Development the OeAD's Regional Office in Sarajevo, which is responsible for educational cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia, implements projects in Serbia to support sustainable education reforms and exchange of experience between Serbian and Austrian education institutions and educational experts. The current projects focus on vocational education and training (quality development at schools; promotion of cooperation between schools and the business sector).

Key focuses:

  • Promotion of cooperation between schools and the business sector
  • Exchange of experience in education policy within the framework of ERISEE


Regional project – Enhancing the quality of in-company learning by strengthening the role of the vocational practical coordinators
(Duration: 2022-2024)

The role of the vocational practical coordinators in vocational education and training is a multi-faceted one. Basically they are the interface between the schools and the companies, coordinate practical training at the school and at the employer's in both forms of training (dual and full-time school-based), work closely with teachers teaching the practical subjects and instructors in the companies and support them in the implementation of practical training. Their work thus makes an important contribution to the effective use of both learning venues, schools and companies, and thus to the quality of vocational practical training in general.

The aim of the project is to increase the quality of vocational education and training through effective quality development of in-company learning with a focus on the role and tasks of the vocational practical coordinators. Based on the needs assessments of the competent education authorities in all three partner countries four common project priorities have been identified for the regional project:

  1. needs-based anchoring of the role and tasks of the vocational practical coordinators
  2. standardisation of procedures and processes as an important aspect of quality development in the work of the vocational practical coordinators
  3. further development of the skills of the vocational practical coordinators in line with the needs
  4. quality development and quality assurance through the introduction of QA mechanisms for the work of the vocational practical coordinators

Project results:

  • On the basis of broad consultation processes standardised processes and procedures in the work of the vocational practical coordinators have been defined and piloted at 10 schools of vocational education and training.
  • The standardised processes finalised on the basis of the piloting are available to all vocational practical coordinators in a manual/guide together with the tools necessary for implementation.
  • The skills of the vocational practical coordinators at 100 schools of vocational education and training have been further developed and strengthened through needs-based in-service training.
  • Mechanisms for quality development of the work of the vocational practical coordinators have been introduced at the 10 pilot schools.

Direct target groups:

  • Headmasters/headmistresses and vocational practical coordinators of 10 pilot schools
  • Vocational practical coordinators of 100 schools of vocational education and training
  • Ministry of Education
  • ZUOV
  • Chamber of Commerce

Indirect target groups:

  • Headmasters/headmistresses, teachers, vocational practical coordinators and pupils at 329 schools of vocational education and training
  • Companies


Strengthening and dissemination of the Active Learning teaching/learning concept
(Duration: 2010-2022)

In close cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia and the Education Forum Serbia the implementation of new teaching/learning approaches at schools in disadvantaged regions of Serbia is supported. Training courses for the implementation of Active Learning for teachers in Serbia are held on a regular basis. In the period from 2016 to 2022 a total of 148 seminars and training courses were organised. Approximately 4200 teachers from 94 schools took part in them.

Stärkung und Dissemination des Active Learning Lehr-/Lernkonzepts
(Laufzeit 2010-2022)

In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bildungsministerium der Republik Serbien und dem Education Forum Serbia wird die Umsetzung neuer Lehr-/Lernzugänge an Schulen in benachteiligten Regionen Serbiens unterstützt. Es werden laufend Fortbildungen zur Umsetzung von Active Learning für Lehrer und Lehrerinnen in Serbien durchgeführt. In der Zeitspanne von 2016–2022 wurden insgesamt 148 Seminare bzw. Fortbildungen organisiert an denen ca. 4200 Lehrer/innen aus 94 Schulen teilnahmen.