Individual advice

We will support you in the planning, implementation and financing of school projects in all art disciplines as well as possibilities and conditions for successful cooperation between schools, art and culture.

Please contact your advisor personally already in the planning stage, especially in the case of more extensive projects.

Advisory team

Dr. Barbara Feller

 +43 676 3001779
Consultation hours: by appointment

Vocational Education and Training | Apprenticeships
Mag. Roman Schanner

 +43 1 53408-542
Consultation hours: Tue-Thu 10:00 to 16:00

Fine Arts | Design | Film + Photography | Media Arts
Mag. Irmgard Bebe

 +43 1 53408-533
Consultation hours: Tue 12:00 to 16:30, Thu 11:00 to 17:00

Literature | Music
MMag. Gabrielle Cram

 +43 1 53408-541
Consultation hours: Mon, Tue and Thu 9:00 to 14:00

Dance | Theatre
Sarah Mirk, BA
+43 1 53408-536
Consultation hours: Mon-Thu 9:00 to 13:00

Team leader Advisory Services
Mag. Sabine Forstner-Widter

 +43 1 53408-538


Dr. Barbara Feller

 +43 676 3001779
Beratungszeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Berufsbildung | Lehre
Mag. Roman Schanner

 +43 1 53408-542
Beratungszeiten: Di-Do 10.00 bis 16.00 Uhr

Bildende Kunst | Design | Film+Fotografie | Medienkunst
Mag. Irmgard Bebe

 +43 1 53408-533
Beratungszeiten: Di 12:00 bis 16:30 Uhr, Do 11:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Literatur | Musik
MMag. Gabrielle Cram

 +43 1 53408-541
Beratungszeiten: Mo, Di und Do 9:00 bis 14:00 Uhr

Tanz | Theater
Sarah Mirk, BA
+43 1 53408-536
Beratungszeiten: Mo-Do 9:00 bis 13:00 Uhr

Teamleiterin Beratung 
Mag. Sabine Widter

 +43 1 53408-538