New OeAD podcast series Alumni AudioLab

7. June 2017 PodcastsAlumni
Logo Alumni AudioLab
Alumni of the OeAD are now talking monthly about their research, work, motivation and background.

At the beginning of June the OeAD launched a new medium. The podcast series Alumni AudioLab invites alumni from different OeAD programs to talk about their research and work, their ambitions and motivations and their career. Alumni AudioLab is an open format in English or German to make the diverse expertise among the graduates of our programs audible (and thus visible).

The first podcast is already online. First guest was Paul Yillia from Sierra Leone/West Africa, who came to Austria for part of his limnology master in 2000 and has remained faithful to the local research landscape. Today, he is working as a leading expert at the Sustainable Energy for All organization in Vienna. Excerpts from this first podcast and further information on the series can also be found in the current issue of the OeAD news on page 40.

The podcast will appear regularly at the beginning of the month and can be found in the alumni section of the OeAD website.