Africa-UniNet at the International ARIN Conference "Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World"

19. October 2020
Poster with information about the Conference
Join the virtual conference that will take place from 18th - 20th of November 2020. The focus will be on lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic that could inform practice, policy, and research to help the African continent build resilience towards its Agenda 2063 aspirations and sustainable development.

The Africa Research and Impact Network (ARIN) organized the conference "Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy" in order to provide a platform for stakeholders to share lessons learnt and best practices from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Africa Research and Impact Network is an impact platform/network that brings together young talented researchers and policymakers from across the four regions of Africa (East, West, South, and Central/Francophone Africa). ARIN aims to catalyze peer learning and the sharing of good research and impact practices. The network currently comprises over 80 upcoming researchers and technocrats working in different fields including natural resources and societies, cities, climate change; agriculture, forestry, energy, science-technology, and policy.

The objective of the Conference is to bring together diverse stakeholders in academia, policy, and government to deliberate on Africa’s experiences of COVID-19 and the research and policy lessons drawable for the future. The conference will explore the following themes:

  • Theme 1: Climate Action and Sustainable Energy
  • Theme 2: Cities and Resilience
  • Theme 3: Science Technology and Innovation


On 19th of November, from 12:00 EAT (10:00 Vienna time) to 13:30 EAT, Africa-UniNet contributes to the conference during a side event, which aims at strengthening the message from the conference and adding value to the outcomes of the conference deliberations, especially on partnerships.

The status of research collaborations and partnerships beyond COVID-19


  • Status of research collaborations and partnerships beyond COVID-19 (Dr. Joel Onyango) - 10 minutes

Panel discussion:

  • Four panellists' address - Dr. Andreas Melcher (BOKU), Dr. Joanes Atela (ACTS), Dr Mieke Snijder (IDS University of Sussex)., Dr. Wale Akinyemi (Private Sector, tbc) - 40 minutes
  • Q&A - 30 minutes

Wrap up:

  • Key messages (Dr. Joel Onyango) - 5 minutes
  • Way forward (Dr. Andreas Obrecht, Africa-Uninet Office) - 5 minutes
  • End of session

Register here for this side event.

Here you can find the tentative programme of the conference, background information as well as the poster of the International Conference "Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World: Lessons for Research and Policy".

For more information on the conference, Keynote Speakers, Moderators, the program and Conference background note please use this link

Please register for the event here


In total, there will be three side events from 18th-20th on the following topics:

  • Wednesday, 18th of November 11:30 EAT (9:30 Vienna time) to 13:00 EAT: Gender Lens in Disaster Risk Reduction in the context of COVID-19. Register here
  • Thursday, 19th of November 12:00 EAT (10:00 Vienna time) to 13:30 EAT: The status of research collaborations and partnerships beyond COVID-19. Register here
  • Friday, 20th of November 11:30 EAT (9:30 Vienna time) to 13:00 EAT: Impact of STI Indicators in Policymaking and Uptake. Register here

Here you can find the concept note for the side events.
