Nine Ernst Mach scholarship holders at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

30. September 2020
Campus Fachhochschule Kärnten
The Ernst Mach Scholarship Program offers students from outside Europe the opportunity to spend one or two exchange semesters at an Austrian university of applied sciences. The scholarship program is supervised by the OeAD.

Every year, around 50 bachelor and master students receive an award for a scholarship at an Austrian university of applied sciences. Nine students from Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Brazil, Ghana and Malaysia, among others, will now begin their studies at the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences in the academic year 2020/21 and will thus gain valuable (life) experiences, support their study career and make new friends.

With the English-language and in Austria unique bachelor program <link />"Intercultural Management", the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences scores on the international market. Five of the nine Ernst Mach scholarship holders will start their studies in the field of Business & Management this winter semester. In this course of studies, students learn to deal with differences professionally in order to later operate successfully in the international business world. The combination of business, languages, intercultural communication and management forms the basis for a career in internationally oriented organizations at home and abroad. <link ?="MjQxMTBfMjU0MjhfMw==" />

Further information on the Ernst Mach Program for Universities of Applied Sciences <link />

Further information about the UAS Carinthia