Using the principle of exclusion to choose your studies

13. August 2020
Porträt von Camila Reis, einer Studentin an der TU Graz
In autumn, Graz University of Technology offers some guidance on making a decision about which bachelor programme to choose.

School is history, but what happens next? Camilla Reis kept a cool head and simply excluded what she was not interested in. This is how she came to study Software Engineering and Management at TU Graz.

Read more about her story here.

If you would like to enrol in autumn and are not yet sure which bachelor's programme you would like to take, Graz University of Technology offers some guidance on making a decision. General consultations giving advice about fields of study are available on Webex until 23rd September.

The TU Graz website lists all the appointment times of the online student advisory service. Also on the website you will find links to video presentations in which teaching staff introduce the study programmes. Virtual consultation hours for the individual fields of study take place via video chat. Check the dates for the consultation hours on the TU Graz website "Studying at TU Graz Info 2020" (german version) and enter the online meeting room at any time during the consultation hours via the given entry link.