Summer universities GBS und AEMS 2020

13. May 2020
Plakat für die Sommerschule Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems mit Studierenden
The two summer universities of the OeAD Housing Office will take place online this year, thus contributing to a lower CO2 footprint in terms of ecological compatibility.

The Summer University "Green.Building.Solutions. (GBS)" deals with topics such as passive house construction, energy efficiency and sustainable urban planning. This year's highlights are virtual tours of Vienna's showcase buildings in the field of low energy, as well as building simulation workshops using Sefaira and Polysun.
GBS will take place online from 18 July to 9 August 2020. Applications for scholarships are possible until 21 June 2020 via<applications></applications>

<applications>The Summer University "Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems (AEMS)" focuses on the interdisciplinary communication of alternatives to the economic status quo, with special emphasis on their relevance to climate change. This year, a special focus will also be placed on solutions to the financial crisis triggered by COVID-19.
The AEMS will take place online between July 20 and August 7, 2020. Applications for scholarships can be submitted until 30 June 2020 via<applications></applications></applications>