University ranking: Austria in eleventh place

18. May 2018
Austria ranked eleven out of 50 countries in a comparison of national higher education systems. As in almost all international university rankings, the US is in first place, followed by Switzerland and Great Britain.

The country comparison was carried out on behalf of the international network "Universitas 21" by the University of Melbourne. Difference to various other university rankings: It is not individual universities, but the national higher education systems. Criteria for ranking were not only financial resources but also the involvement of universities in society, such as the proportion of women at the university, as well as networking with foreign universities and output - for example, the number of publications, but also the academic unemployment.

Austria ranked best due to the high number of foreign students in the area of ​​international integration (second place behind Switzerland). For resources, it was ranked eighth, 19 for output, and only 24 for output to society.

To the original report

(Soruce: APA, 12.5.2018)