Online eTwinning-Jahreskonferenz 2023

EventEuropäische ProgrammeSchule

Von Freitag, 19. bis Samstag, 21. Oktober findet die eTwinning Annual Conference zum Thema "Education and Innovation - being creative with eTwinning" heuer wieder online statt. Im Mittelpunkt der Konferenz stehen thematische Vorträge und Workshops rund um das eTwinning-Jahresthema "Innovation and Education" sowie Networking mit Lehrkräften aus 44 Ländern.

To raise awareness, engage and showcase participants how eTwinning helps teachers deploy the Theme of the year (“Education and Innovation, Being Creative with eTwinning”) in their schools.
1. Plenaries: eTwinners, educators, school heads, policy makers, press, researchers in the fields of School education Initial Vocational Education and Training, and Early Childhood Education and Care, student teachers and Initial Teacher Educators, and in general anyone interested in the topic.
2. Workshops: registered participants - eTwinners and Ministries of Education (for a specific workshop)
Education is central to planning, building, and deployment of innovative pedagogies, as well as nurturing talents. Education also plays a key role in developing, disseminating, and accrediting knowledge and innovation. In line with the Annual Theme, the eTwinning Annual Conference 2023 will help participants imagine an educational setting which, with the support of eTwinning, can be innovative and creative. eTwinning has been promoting innovative teaching practices since 2005, by highlighting the importance of the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process. Nevertheless, the use of ICT tools should not be perceived as an end in itself, but rather as a means that will help teachers achieve the innovation they wish in their classroom. Innovation, even if not easily measurable, is multifaceted. Participants will be encouraged to innovate in the many forms available, such as:
Social innovation within a school: making spaces for pupils’ suggestions for adapting schools by giving more weight to their ideas and expression; giving more power to pupils and integrating their priorities and needs.
Mental and emotional well-being within schools: reducing the “weight” of a strict curriculum, increasing the connections with the local community, pupil, and teacher well-being, and emphasising a learner-centred, competence-based, creative approach. This approach should be in line with the European LifeComp framework.
Pedagogical innovation: (“naturally occurring” within eTwinning, but could go further), return to the Socratic method, create, and help students to develop their own opinions, speak in public, to act and imagine their own future. Schools should help students to develop their critical thinking, how to express their views. This does not require digital tools, but it requires time to discuss and to think.
Engaging with innovation and some current fundamental topics (Artificial intelligence, Virtual Reality, just to mention a few) and with the Ethical guidelines on AI and data use in teaching and learning as an action of the Digital Education Action Plan.

Zielgruppe: Lehrkräfte und Direktor/innen aller Schulstufen, Kindergärtner/innen, registrierte eTwinner/innen

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, aber noch nicht Teil der eTwinning-Community sind, können Sie sich als Pädagogin/Pädagoge jederzeit auf der neuen European School Education Platform mit einem EU Login registrieren.

Sprache: Englisch

Programm: Siehe unten

Veranstaltungszeiten: Donnerstag, 16:30-19:30; Freitag, 10:00-14:00 und 15:00-17:30; Samstag 09:30-13:30

Bewerbung: Interessierte Lehrkräfte können sich bis 29. September per E-Mail an anmelden.

Bewerbungsschluss: 29. September 2023

19. October 2023 to 21. October (full day) Online eTwinning-Europe Export Event as iCal