Activities of scholarship holders

Online Talk: “What are the human rights implications of COVID-19?”

3. June 2020ScholarshipScholars

Human rights expert Moritz Birk from Amnesty International discussed with scholars the implications of the current measures taken against the COVID-19 pandemic regarding the …

OeAD scholarship holder gets involved in the fight against the coronavirus

25. May 2020OeADScholarshipScholars

Lisa Esti Puji Hartanti initiated a Online Campaign for Giving Awareness of Coronavirus to Society.

The 1st online meeting for incoming scholars

8. April 2020AlumniScholars

In times of the Covid-19 pandemic the only possibility to spend time together is online. Thus, the OeAD decided to provide incoming scholarship holders with a platform for telling …

Czech scholarship holder actively participates in initiative to slow down the Covid-19 pandemic

2. April 2020AlumniScholars

Scholarship holder Laura describes the story of the Covid-Czechia emergency team and tells why they decided to make face masks available for the Czech people as soon as the …