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Hasmik Hovakimyan on conference visit in Évora, Portugal

18. Mai 2022

Only some weeks before finishing her PhD, APPEAR scholar Hasmik Hovakimyan joined the 14th European Farming Systems Conference (IFSA).

Video: Country Talk Armenia

10. Mai 2022ScholarsEntwicklungsforschung

In the third edition of the OeAD Country Talks, APPEAR scholar Hasmik Hovakimyan invites us to a journey to learn more about geography and culture as well as the cuisine of …

Ayelech Kidie Mengesha publishes research on impact of land registration program in rural Ethiopia

18. Februar 2022

Land degradation and deforestation are major problems generally in developing countries and specifically in Ethiopia. In two recently published papers APPEAR scholar Ayelech Kidie …

Pauline Macharia defends PhD thesis on the water-energy nexus in water services provision

1. Februar 2022

APPEAR scholar Pauline Macharia writes about the results of her research and her experiences while studying in Austria.

Scholar Imad Sayrafi finishes PhD on grassroots movements in rural Palestine

29. Dezember 2021

Imad Sayrafi completed his PhD at University of Vienna on social transformations linked to everyday resistance and grassroots movements in rural Palestine in September 2021. In …