Aktivitäten von Alumni

School-to-Work-Transition (SWT): Yekunoamlak Alemu Woldeyohani's Professional Journey

28. November 2023AlumniEntwicklungsforschung

Yekunoamlak Alemu is an OeAD alumnus, senior staff member at Addis Ababa University (AAU) and visiting scholar at the University of Klagenfurt.

Transforming livestock breeding through genomic expertise

27. November 2023AlumniEntwicklungsforschung

Read more about Kahsa Tadel Gebre's journey towards a transformation in African livestock breeding – a story of innovation and collaboration. Join the Alumni Talk on 25 April at 6 …

Promoting Sustainable Development and Environmental Chemistry

27. November 2023AlumniEntwicklungsforschung

Christine Nagawa completed her PhD at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna in 2015 and shares her research journey in this article.

Emanuela's academic adventure: From Brazil to Vorarlberg

13. November 2023ScholarsAlumni

Follow Emanuela's journey from Brazil to Austria, where she pursues her dreams of higher education with the help of the Ernst Mach Grant.

Marietta Blau Alumnus erhält ERC Starting Grant

8. November 2023AlumniForscher/innen

Johannes Bintinger erhielt die ERC Starting Grant, um eine neuartige Krebstherapie zu entwickeln. Der OeAD gratuliert sehr herzlich!