Nia Chitaia: Studying in Austria was truly one of the best experiences in my life

18. Juli 2024 ScholarsAlumni
Nia Chitaia, a scholarship holder from Georgia, talks about her best experience in her life at Graz.

I would recommend to not be afraid to try new things and make the most out of the time!

What was your experience of studying in Austria like?

Studying in Austria was truly one of the best experiences in my life. During my time abroad, I made friends from all over the world, got to know different learning methods, traveled to European countries with new friends, learnt independence, how to cope with some difficulties by myself, how to communicate with foreign students and learnt about their culture.

What did you particularly like about your studies/university?

My university had interesting courses, which were intellectually stimulating and rewarding, I learnt new teaching methods and diverse perspectives. Moreover, the atmosphere was very welcoming. Everyone was helpful when I had any issues and the professors always answered all of our questions.

What fun activities did you partake in?

I took part in a Tandem program where one foreign student is paired up with an Austrian student. It really helped me practice my German language skills and I got to know the country and the city from a whole different perspective.

What made your stay unforgettable to you?

My stay was truly remarkable because of all the new friends I made. I got to know people from all over the world and connected with them very well. Till this day, after everyone went back to their home countries, I talk to them often and we always try to plan trips to see each other.

What useful tips could you give to others?

I would recommend to not be afraid to try new things and make the most out of the time because it goes by very fast. For me, the semester ended in a blink of an eye and I wish I have lived more in the moment.

What benefits did being an OeAD Alumni bring to you, and how did it help you throughout your stay?

Firstly, being an OEAD alumni is often seen as a mark of excellence and academic excellence. Also having an OEAD scholarship and an exchange experience on my resume can make me more attractive to employers, showcasing my international experience and adaptability. Lastly, exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives has enhanced my personal growth and intercultural competence.