Zoja Anžur's journey of personal and professional growth

26. Juni 2023 ScholarsAlumni
Meet Zoja Anžur, a passionate researcher pursuing her master's thesis at the Austrian Institute of Technology.

Zoja Anžur is currently working on her master's thesis at the Austrian Institute of Technology in the field of user experience. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Prior to working on her thesis, she worked as a research intern on two different projects, encompassing both large international endeavors and smaller local initiatives. Additionally, she has gained experience in social media management and freelance writing. Over the past year, she has engaged in collaborations with several institutions in Austria. During this period, she contributed to the writing of two research papers that are anticipated to be published in renowned scientific journals.

Zoja Anžur on her time in Austria

"I have learned how important it is to find one’s passion and motivation and to never lose the spark!"

My stay in Austria had an immense impact on my world views and professional development. I had the opportunity to participate in a truly diverse and international environment, allowing me to learn a lot from people with various cultural backgrounds. My stay has exposed me to a number of various interesting projects and opportunities that exist. I have curiously discovered new fields that interest me, with focus on researching user experience and also gaining some insight into behavioural economics.

Besides that, I have gained a lot of competencies, namely excellent communication skills, problem solving skills, and adjustability. I have participated in many activities with other people with various skill sets, which truly strengthened my teamwork skills. It also led me to make numerous new friendships. I have learned that together, we can complement each other and achieve great things, especially in diverse teams.

Finally, my stay in Vienna reminded me of why I enrolled into my programme in the first place. It definitely reminded me that one should always travel through life with curiosity. I have learned how important it is to find one’s passion and motivation and to never lose the spark.

  • Full name: Zoja Anžur
  • Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts
  • Current employment and position: currently working on my master’s thesis at Austrian Institute of Technology
  • Home institution: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
  • City of your home institution: Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Scholarship programme: CEEPUS
  • Duration of stay in Austria: 4 months
  • Motto: "Travel through life with curiosity!"