Einladung zum ersten Online-Meeting für OeAD Alumni

24. Juni 2020 Alumni
Scholar in front of pinboard map
Beim ersten Online-Meeting für Alumni erzählen ehemalige Stipendiat/innen des OeAD, wie sie die Coronakrise in ihrem Land erlebt haben. Der OeAD lädt Alumni aus aller Welt herzlich dazu ein.

The coronavirus pandemic is one that we have been facing all of a sudden. As physical events for our current scholarship holders in Austria were not possible, we organised several online meetings for them to encourage each other and to deal with this new and challenging situation of so called physical distancing during the last few month.

In this online meeting we want to reach out to OeAD Alumni all over the world and listen to their stories from different home countries. The pandemic hit all of us, affecting some countries more than others, but we are in it together. How did the respective home countries deal with the crisis? What is the situation right now? In which way was and still is the personal and professional life affected?

The talks and statements will be followed by a discussion about the topic "How will the corona crisis affect academic cooperation in the future? Which changes can already be observed in different working fields?". There will also be some time for informal chatting.

Our First Online Meeting for OeAD Alumni will take place on July 15th 2020 at 14:00 (CEST). It is the first time we organise such an event, therefore we will be glad if you join and connect with us!

If you are an OeAD Alumni and you are interested, please register for this event here.