Evaluation Criteria Cooperation Development Research

Evaluation criteria

For project applications under the programme Cooperation Development Research the following evaluation criteria apply, as defined by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF):

Two independent (international) experts will evaluate the content of the proposal. The evaluators will evaluate the proposal according to the following criteria. A total score of 100 points is possible.

  1. Feasibility of the research project (20 points maximum)
  2. Plausibility of the scientific objective (20 points maximum)
  3. Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (20 points maximum)
  4. Scientific competence and expertise of the participating researchers (20 points maximum)
  5. Sustainability and plausibility of the described future cooperation perspective (10 points maximum)
  6. Plausibility of the submitted budget plan (10 points maximum)

Key according to the points achieved:

  • 100 - 90 points: highly recommended
  • 89 - 80 points: recommended
  • 79 - 70 points: less recommended
  • under 70 points: not recommended

If necessary, the Development Research Advisory Board will make a balanced selection of the best evaluated project proposals on the basis of the experts' reports, taking into account the objectives of the call and the quality of the proposals.

Aspects that will be decisive in the selection of proposals that have been rated equally:

  • Applications from female or young [1] researchers and projects involving PhD/doctorate students and/or female or young researchers
  • Partnerships with Least Developed Countries (LLDCs)
  • Integration of relevant local partners

[1] Researchers with research experience of up to 10 years maximum after completion of their doctoral studies; career breaks for family, health or professional reasons will be taken into consideration.