Transdisciplinarity for sustainable tourism development in Georgia

15. Jänner 2019
Remains of a wooden house in the midst of green hilly landscape
In Tsagveri community, the first case study course in the framework of the APPEAR project Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Caucasus Region | CaucaSusT took place in July 2018.

The course took place ifrom 9th to 23rd of July 2018, with the field component carried out in Tsaghveri community (Borjomi municipality). 17 students and 5 professors participated in the  case study, coming from various master’s programmes and from three faculties of Tbilisi State University (TSU): Human geography programme of the faculty of social and political sciences, tourism and hospitality programme of the faculty of economics and business, and regional geography and landscape planning programme of the faculty of exact and natural sciences. Colleagues from Austrian universities, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, BOKU Vienna and IMC FH Krems also took part in the course. Throughout the case study course students worked closely with local stakeholders representing public, civil and private sectors. This cooperation resulted in a better understanding of the local challenges and potential solutions, and contributed to closer collaboration among the community actors and to better understanding between the local community and the municipal administration.

The final report of the Georgian case study course, written by the students, can be downloaded here: Case Study Georgia 2018

The presentation of the results, compiled by the students for the final stakeholder discussion, can be viewed here: Tsaghveri 2018 Presentation

APPEAR website CaucasusT

BOKU website CaucasusT