CEMS Club Vienna: A modern student organisation at the WU Vienna

6. Juni 2018
Eine große Gruppe von Studenten der CEMS Clubs vor der WU Wien
In the recent years, CEMS Club Vienna (CCV) has become one of the most active Viennese students organizations that is always striving for progressive ideas and innovative events.

It is almost twenty years old and every year it continues to grow, currently having around 50 motivated students in the team running the organization in the different departments. These departments include Social & Sports, Corporate, Marketing, Sustainability, Alumni and External Events.

CEMS Club Vienna (CCV) has been developed to support international students studying MSc International Management & CEMS program at Wirtschaftsuniversität (WU) Wien in Vienna, Austria. CEMS is the Global Alliance in Management Education providing students of 30 academic institutions, one in each country, with world-class business education and developing future international leaders. From the academic perspective, CEMS students receive necessary management and business knowledge and skills, to ensure their post-graduation success in any selected area.

All CEMS graduates now successfully work for various businesses worldwide. Students participate in intensive trainings during various skills seminars and workshops with CEMS corporate partners and get a chance to find industry that will fit them the most. In order to develop and maximize the high potential of the future leaders, CEMS Club Vienna engages its students to take over the student organizations initiatives and organize social events. It may seem that CEMS Club Vienna is similar to any other student association in Austria but there are a few things that make it really unique. First of all, it has an interesting blend of students from different backgrounds who already have strong leadership skills. This blend creates an unbelievable community of highly motivated young people who are keen to change not only themselves but also the world around them. The student’s cohort of the CEMS Master program at WU Wien is highly diverse, combining Austrian and foreign students from over 25 countries. Cultural diversity remains one of the main differentiating factors of CEMS Club Vienna compared to other student associations. And in fact the “respect for social diversity” and “global citizenship” are one of the characteristics every CEMS graduate should possess. Second of all, all involved students represent Austrian CEMS students on a national and international level. The activities involve decisions concerning the program content as well as organizing events with corporate partners. The main idea behind the organization is to promote innovation, sustainability and diversity among the students.

CEMS Club Vienna activities for students

CEMS Club in Vienna regularly organizes events which aim to bridge national differences between all the students. One of the most popular is the International Dinner. As the name suggests, students participating in this event are encouraged to bring the traditional food specialties from their home country, which they then share with all others. The combination of good food, drinks and relaxed atmosphere makes this event a perfect opportunity for students to bond, regardless of their nationality. It is not a coincidence that one of the most favourite sayings in the CEMS community is “Sharing is Caring”.

When it comes to social support events for example, CEMS club in Vienna regularly organizes German language courses for refugees, during which students have an opportunity to share their knowledge of German language with refugees and thus help them with a smoother integration in Austria.

To engage students even more, the Cems Club Vienna has for the first time this semester organized a Corporate Social Responsibility Challenge for all the students. The goal was simple: to raise awareness about social and environmental issues and encourage students to act responsibly. The whole competition took 10 days and it comprised of a series of challenging tasks, such as switching to an eco-friendly means of transportation, donating blood, sharing a meal with a person in need, technology and waste-zero days and promoting sustainability issues to the citizens of Vienna.

Further information