Im März 2024 können sich eTwinner/innen auf spannende Ressourcen, Aktionen und Online-Veranstaltungen rund um das Jahresthema „Wohlbefinden in der Schule“ freuen.
Die eTwinning-Frühjahrskampagne findet von 4. bis 29. März 2024 statt und wird von der eTwinning-Jahresgruppe Wellbeing@school veranstaltet. Lehrkräfte, die für eTwinning auf der European School Education Platform registriert sind, können der Gruppe beitreten und auf den speziellen Bereich der Kampagne zugreifen.
Die Kampagne bietet eine gute Gelegenheit, über das Jahresthema "Wohlbefinden in der Schule" nachzudenken. Ziel ist es, ein unterstützendes Umfeld für Lehrkräfte zu schaffen, kollaborative, auf das Wohlbefinden ausgerichtete Projekte zu fördern und Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen zu ermutigen, wirkungsvolle Lernerfahrungen zu gestalten, die das allgemeine Wohlbefinden der Schüler/innen verbessern.
Zur Unterstützung wird innerhalb der Gruppe eine ausgewählte Sammlung von Materialien und Ressourcen zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine virtuelle Galerie bietet wertvolle Tipps und Werkzeuge für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen. Darüber hinaus finden im Rahmen der Kampagne vier Online-Veranstaltungen statt.
1. März, 16 Uhr: Welcome Webinar Spring Campaign 2024: Micro-decisions Boosting Well-being in the Classroom
Alongside with decision-making concerning planning, implementation and evaluation of curriculum, there is teachers’ decision-making at micro-level. Sometimes called on-the-spot decisions, split-second decisions, or just-in-time decisions, these judgement calls can have massive impacts in the classroom, just like little drops of water make a mighty ocean. Changing the topic, resolving disputes, introducing a piece of news are immediate decisions that are frequently made within the dynamics of the classroom situation. But how do we decide which path to choose – which micro-decision to make – in order to enhance both students’ and teachers’ well-being and maintain an environment that is engaging, supportive, and conducive to learning and personal growth? Join the webinar and find out!
14 März, 16 Uhr: Standing up against discrimination
The international day against discrimination and racism is marked every year on the 21 March. The Anne Frank house will host a webinar on Stories that Move where you will learn new strategies to talk about discrimination with your students. Two Stories that Move trainers will introduce different ways to discuss these complex and sensitive topics, using the stories of young people.
Aims of the webinar:
- To help teachers and other educational professionals to discuss the topic of discrimination with young adults.
- To get to know the stories of young people facing discrimination
- To get to the method of blended learning and visible thinking
- To get to know exercises from Learning path 2 of the online tool: facing discrimination that explores the function and process of discrimination on interpersonal and societal levels
- To learn how you can use the online toolbox in the classroom
21. März, 16 Uhr: Spring Campaign 2024 - Partner finding fair
This Partner Finding fair is organised within the context of the Spring campaign 2024
It is an event designed for teachers participating in eTwinning to seek potential project partners. Teachers can interact with one another, explore project ideas, and form collaborations by connecting with colleagues from various European countries.
The aim will be to facilitate the process of finding suitable partners for joint projects, fostering international cooperation, and promoting cross-cultural learning experiences among students. These events often involve presentations, discussions, and networking sessions where teachers can discuss their project ideas and find like-minded partners to collaborate with on eTwinning projects.
26. März, 16 Uhr: Showcasing session - Spring Campaign 2024
Showcasing session on projects on Well-being organised in the context of the eTwinning Spring Campaign 2024.
This best practice session involves showcasing exemplary projects that have been implemented by teachers and their students. Teachers from 5 eTwinning projects on the topic "Well-being at school" will present their projects, share insights, methodologies, challenges faced, and the outcomes achieved.
The objective is to inspire educators by demonstrating effective practices, innovative approaches, and successful collaborations, encouraging them to implement similar strategies in their own teaching environments.